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 Taylormade r9 supertri are perfect for you

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İsmarıc sayı : 172
Kayıt tarihi : 13/06/11

Taylormade r9 supertri are perfect for you Empty
Yeni mövzuMövzu: Taylormade r9 supertri are perfect for you   Taylormade r9 supertri are perfect for you I_icon_minitimeB.e. Mar. 19, 2012 4:47 pm

Taylormade r9 supertri are perfect for you

TaylorMade have publicly stated that this taylormade r9 supertri is both higher launch and higher spin that the original R9. This makes the SuperTri suitable for a much wider range of players since more than a few players were surprised with the low launch/low spin qualities of the R9. The r9 supertri driver launch and spin levels are pretty much perfect for both the average golfer and for those with faster swings although those with swing speeds over 100 mph will probably want to investigate something other than the stock taylormade r9 supertri 60g Fujikura Motore shaft.
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Taylormade r9 supertri are perfect for you
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