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İsmarıc sayı : 2608
Kayıt tarihi : 12/07/12

NI.Developer.Suite.2012 Empty
Yeni mövzuMövzu: NI.Developer.Suite.2012   NI.Developer.Suite.2012 I_icon_minitimeC. Mar. 22, 2013 9:29 am

As the subject, the software is full cracked, no limited and forever to be used.

If you need it, please email to: kelikeli@bk.ru

And we also have many other softwares, for example:

Mentor Graphics Calibre 2008.3_25.16 Linux
Spectrum Microcap
Synopsys Synthesis Tools 2008.09 SP2 AMD64
Synopsys Synthesis Tools 2008.09 SP2 Linux
Lattice ispLever 7.2 Win
Sisoft Quantum-Sl 2007.08 SP4
AWR Nuhertz Filter for AWRDE 4.5
LinkCAD 5.7
Altium Designer Winter 09 build
Cadence Orcad 16.2
Mentor Graphics HyperLynx Thermal 9.0
Mentor Graphics PADS 2007.2 with UPDATE7
Agilent Empro 2008 Win
Mentor Graphics Precision Synthesis 2008a.42
Mentor Graphics HDL Designer Series 2008.1
ARM RealView Compilation Tools 4.0
ARM RealView Development Suite 4.0 Professional
Mentor Graphics Asic Design Kit 3.1
Ansoft Links 4.1
PCBM Symbol Wizard 2.44
Cigraph ArchiFacade v1.98 For Archicad 12
Cadence Allegro Silicon Package Board (SPB) 16.2 WIN
Cadimage Door And Window Builder v12.4 For Archicad 12
Cadence AMS Methodology Kit 6.12 Linux
Agilent Genesys 2008.07
Synopsys VCS MX 2008.09 Linux
Synopsys Magellan 2008.09 Linux
Synopsys SpiceExplorer 2008.03 SP1 Linux
Synopsys SpiceExplorer 2008.09 Win
Cadence ASSURA 3.20 Linux
Ansoft Q3D Extractor 8.0
Xilinx TMRTool 9.2
Synopsys Leda 2008.06 Linux
JMAG Studio 9.0
Synopsys NanoSim 2008.09 Linux
Mentor Graphics ICX Tau 3.8.1 WIN
Mentor Graphics I/O Designer 7.4
Agilent VEE Pro 8.5
Agilent Antenna Modeling Design System (AMDS) 2007.6

If you need it or anyelse, please email to: kelikeli@bk.ru
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